Samstag, 8. August 2009

the sun and the rising sign

Everyone, who is interested in astrology, knows, which zodiak sign is their own.

The main zodiak sign shows where the SUN actually is at the individual birthtime, on your birthday. This may be interpreted, as the inner psychic world of the individual. It is referring to your character and your mind.
And of course, there ist the ASCENDENT. It is the rising sign in the east, at your birth. This is the way others see you, the way you behave with others, this is the way the world sees you. It also refers to your own picture of yourself.

Well, of course, if I want to be accurate, I have to tell you, that in truth, there are 13 zodiak signs - not 12. Modern astrology uses 12, it is much easier to calculate with. But it is not the way our sky really looks like.
Now you may ask, what´s the point?
If it is only a virtual sky, with so much inexactness, what´s all about?

Good question! Do you have an answer?
We try to give our lives sense - that´s all. We have fate, we have purpose, we have meaning. And still, there is something more... or just wishful thinking?

Well, at least you should know, that everything is virtual.
I mean not the internet, and not the tv, or cell phone calls. I mean the world we see, the thoughts we have, the dreams we dream.
Human brain works virtually. It cannot tell the difference between the thought of the taste of your favourite cake, and the real taste you sense on your tongue. To the brain, it doesn´t matter, if you think of pain and really feeling pain.
But I´m not here to tell you that!

Anyway, the virtual sky is used to perdict, your reactions on any situation, that will occur...